Saturday, January 3, 2015

Binary Search Algorithm for Calculating Interest Rate

This java code gives a snippet of how to calculate the interest rate based on 11 deposits in about a year's time frame.

The rate calculated was 1.17%.
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class SolverExample {
    static SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            Double currentNetWorth = 3170.14;
            Date currentDate = sdf.parse("05/30/2014");
            Map<Double, Double> yearsToPaymentsMap = new LinkedHashMap<Double, Double>();
            yearsToPaymentsMap.put(yearsBetween(sdf.parse("04/02/2013"), currentDate), 300.00);
            yearsToPaymentsMap.put(yearsBetween(sdf.parse("05/03/2013"), currentDate), 300.00);
            yearsToPaymentsMap.put(yearsBetween(sdf.parse("09/03/2013"), currentDate), 300.00);
            yearsToPaymentsMap.put(yearsBetween(sdf.parse("10/01/2013"), currentDate), 300.00);
            yearsToPaymentsMap.put(yearsBetween(sdf.parse("11/01/2013"), currentDate), 300.00);
            yearsToPaymentsMap.put(yearsBetween(sdf.parse("12/01/2013"), currentDate), 300.00);
            yearsToPaymentsMap.put(yearsBetween(sdf.parse("01/02/2014"), currentDate), 250.00);
            yearsToPaymentsMap.put(yearsBetween(sdf.parse("02/04/2014"), currentDate), 250.00);
            yearsToPaymentsMap.put(yearsBetween(sdf.parse("03/04/2014"), currentDate), 250.00);
            yearsToPaymentsMap.put(yearsBetween(sdf.parse("04/02/2014"), currentDate), 300.00);
            yearsToPaymentsMap.put(yearsBetween(sdf.parse("05/02/2014"), currentDate), 300.00);
            Double rate = findRateOfReturn(-1.00, 1.00, yearsToPaymentsMap, currentDate, currentNetWorth);
        } catch (ParseException e) {

     * Uses a binary search to converge on an interest rate between two guesses: lowRate and highRate
     * @param lowRate
     * @param highRate
     * @param yearsToPaymentsMap
     * @param currentDate
     * @param currentNetWorth
     * @return

    private static Double findRateOfReturn(double lowRate, double highRate, Map<Double, Double> yearsToPaymentsMap, Date currentDate, Double currentNetWorth) {
        while(highRate-lowRate > .0001) {
            double testRate = (lowRate + highRate)/2;
            Double calculatedNetWorth = calculateNetWorth(testRate, yearsToPaymentsMap);

            if(calculatedNetWorth < currentNetWorth) {
                lowRate = testRate;
            } else {
                highRate = testRate;
        return lowRate;
     * Returns P1(1+r)^Y1 + P2(1+r)^Y2 + ...
     * @param interestRate - r
     * @param yearsToPaymentsMap - give Y1->P1, Y2->P2, etc
     * @return

    private static double calculateNetWorth(double interestRate, Map<Double, Double> yearsToPaymentsMap) {
        double sum = 0.0;
        for(double years: yearsToPaymentsMap.keySet()) {
            double payment = yearsToPaymentsMap.get(years);
            sum = sum + payment*Math.pow((1 + interestRate), years); // P(1+r)^y
        return sum;

     * 1000 millisec/sec * 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365 day/year = 31536000000 millisec/year 
     * @param d1
     * @param d2
     * @return

    public static double yearsBetween(Date d1, Date d2){
        return (double) (d2.getTime() - d1.getTime()) / 31536000000.0;

This post was reposted from, originally written on May 30th, 2014.


  1. dear sir,
    I need calculation algorithm of interest rate having qarterly Payment frequency and monthly compounding

  2. Monthly compounding means the interest is added to the account each month.

    Quarterly payment frequency might mean the extra funds are not released until the end of the quarter.

    Can you clarify?

    1. Thank you for helping me.
      Actually i want to calculate Interest Rate on Loan where installment is Paid after every 3 Months with monthly compounding. I know loan amount, Loan Period in months and installment amount.

      for ex:
      Loan Amount : 100000
      Period :36 months;
      Quarterly Installment : 10500(in advance)
      with help of above values i have to find Interest rate?

      ans should be :17.7802

  3. Please see this blog post.

    I used the loan amount, interest rate and monthly payments you supplied. After 36 months, you would still owe $7,329. Please post further questions there and I can help you further.
