Saturday, January 3, 2015

A Javascript Example to Calculate Net Worth Based on Monthly Contributions

Suppose you want to calculate how much your money would grow if you started out with a large lump sum and contributed monthly.

The formula here would be:

P*(1+r)^y + sum_{n=0}^{y*12-1} M*(1+r)^(y-n/12)

where P is the original amount, r is the rate, y is the number of years and M is the monthly contribution.

<script type="text/javascript">
function calculate(original, monthly, rate, years) {
   var multiplier1 = Math.pow((1+rate),years);
   var value1 = original*multiplier1;
   var multiplier2 = 0;
   for(var i=0; i<(years*12); i++) {
      multiplier2 = multiplier2 + Math.pow((1+rate), years-i/12);
   var value2 = monthly*multiplier2;
   var total = value1 + value2;
   var o = '<b>Total:</b> '+total;
   o = o + '<br>';
   o = o + '<br><b>Original:</b> '+original;
   o = o + '<br><b>Multiplier1:</b> '+multiplier1;
   o = o + '<br><b>Value1:</b> '+value1;
   o = o + '<br>';
   o = o + '<br><b>Monthly:</b> '+monthly;
   o = o + '<br><b>Multiplier2:</b> '+multiplier2;
   o = o + '<br><b>Value2:</b> '+value2;
   return total;
function output(outputVal) { // Output Function
   document.getElementById('myoutput').innerHTML = outputVal;
function documentReady() { // Document Ready Function
   calculate(100000, 120, .05, 5);
<body onload="documentReady();">
   <div id="myoutput"></div>

Total: 135798.95858737087

Original: 100000
Multiplier1: 1.2762815625000001
Value1: 127628.15625000001

Monthly: 120
Multiplier2: 68.09001947809055
Value2: 8170.802337370867

This post was reposted from, originally written on July 30th, 2014.

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